Training Contract: Board and Train


  1. Information

  • Clients Name:   (Last)
  • Email:
  • Clients Primary Phone Number:
  • Clients Secondary Number:
  • Address:   
  • Dog's Name
  • Dog's Breed:   
  • Dog's Sex:   
  • Dog's Age:   
  • Dog's Weight:
  • Is the dog Fixed?
  • Who is Authorized to pick up dog?


  1. Emergency Contact

(If you are unavailable)

  • Emergency Contacts Name:
  • Phone Number:


  1. Vet Information
  • Vet Name:
  • Address:   


  1. Medical Info
  • Important Medical Info Here:


  • Dog Allergies?

      …If yes, list allergies here:

  • Does your dog take any meds?

    …If yes please list Medication, amount, and time of day:

WE REQUIRE EVERY DOG TO HAVE VACCINATION RECORDS AND RECEIVE FLEA AND TICK MEDICINE APPLICATION DIRECTLY BEFORE BOARDING. If we see signs of fleas, we reserve the right to return your dog immediately without refund. Your dog needs to be up-to-date on the following vaccinations: *Rabies *Bordatella *Distemper *Fecal Float*** These records will be required to be emailed to concurrent to signing this contract.


  1. Behavioral Info
  • Does your dog obey commands?
  • Has your dog been trained before, if yes how and where?    
  • Is your dog house-trained?
  • Has your dog been in a dog fight?
  • Does your dog growl, bark, or lunge at other dogs, humans, or children?
  • Has your dog bit another dog, human, or child?
  • Does your dog let you groom them or touch their nails?
  • Does your dog resist you putting on or removing collars?
  • Does your dog enter a crate?
  • Does your dog bark or growl in the crate?
  • Reacts badly to touching/petting?
  • Has separation anxiety?
  • Is aggressive when people approach their food?
  • Is aggressive when people try to take their toy away?
  • Growls when you try to get them off of furniture or beds?
  • Has accidents in the crate or house?
  • Does your dog have high prey drive?
  • Has injured or killed small animals?
  • Has your dog been around cats?
  • Does your dog need cat training?
  • Do you need an Ecollar Technologies collar?
  • Do you need a Sprenger Prong collar?
  • Anything to add about your dog’s behaviors?

  • What are your training expectations?


  1. Boarding Info
  • Date/time you would like your dog to enter boarding:
  • Date/time you would like your dog to leave boarding:
  • Please Check all that apply

  • Brand of Dog Food:
  • How much food per day:


  1. Waivers

**********General Policy**********

#1: Run By Dogs will endeavor to create as safe an environment as possible for the training and boarding care of the dog(s) identified above (the “Dog”), and will offer only sound, safe, and responsible training, care, and post-­boarding training instructions. Owner agrees, however, that all animals may exhibit unpredictable behaviors and that Run By Dogs will not be liable for the actions of the Dog that are outside of the control of Run By Dogs. Owner agrees to allow random stool samples to ensure safety of Run By Dogs’ kennel. Owner agrees that the recommendation by Run By Dogs of any product or service is not a guarantee of performance or Owner’s satisfaction with that product or service.

#2: Run By Dogs agrees to indemnify and hold Owner harmless from and against any claims of injury, expense, costs, loss or damages caused by the gross negiligence or willful misconduct of Run By Dogs while the Dog is in the sole custody, care and control of Run By Dogs. Owner acknowledges that Run By Dogs has no control over the Dog when the Dog is not in the exclusive custody, care and control of Run By Dogs, and Owner agrees to indemnify and hold Run By Dogs harmless from and against any and all claims of injury, expense, costs, loss or damages caused by the actions of the Dog when the Dog is not the sole custody, care and control of Run By Dogs.

#3: Owner acknowledges and agrees that owning any animal, including the Dog, has inherent risks, including but not limited to the risk of dog bites to Owner, death or injury to the Dog from animal interaction or vehicular collision, and injury to other people and animals.

#4: Owner fully understands the tools and techniques that are used to train and modify the behavior of their dog and agrees to the tools and techniques which include Prong Collar, Bark Collar, Remote Training Collar, Slip Lead, Pet Convincer, Muzzles, Flat Buckle collar, Martingale collar.


**********Payment & Cancellation Policy**********

#1: Payment Policy: Payment 50% at time of signing contract. Remainder of 100% payment by drop off date.

#2: Cancellation Policy: If the client chooses to not continue training a refund will not be issued. If we do grant a refund it is because of mitigating circumstances that we are making a one-time exception to our general rule of not issuing refunds. If the trainer feels that the client will not listen to training advice or follow instructions, Run By Dogs can, at our sole discretion, choose to cancel the training contract and issue a partial refund.

Do you agree to the terms outlined above in the General Policy and the Payment & Cancellation Policy (required)


  1. Photo/Video Release (All Clients)

I hereby assign and grant to Run By Dogs the right and permission to use, reproduce, distribute, and publish the photograph(s), film(s), videotape(s), audio and video recording(s), electronic representation(s) and/or sound recording(s) made of me and/or my dog(s) at any time during the training and/or boarding of my dog(s) by Run By Dogs, and I hereby release Run By Dogs from any and all liability resulting from such use, reproduction, distribution, and publication. I hereby authorize the reproduction, sale, distribution, copyright, exhibit, broadcast, and/or electronic storage of any and all such photograph(s), film(s), videotape(s), audio and video recording(s), electronic representation(s) and/or sound recording(s) without limitation at the discretion of Run By Dogs and I specifically waive any right to any compensation I may have for any of the foregoing.

  • Have you read and do you agree with the photo release? (required)



  1. Drop-off Agreement:

Board and Train dogs will be picked up & dropped off by the client unless other arrangements have been made.

At the Pickup, we will work with you for 2 hours. We will go over all that your dog has learned and work with you on how to start implementing the training into your daily life.

Follow up lessons are included to help ease the transition of your dog back into your home and to help you maintain the high standard for behavior we have at our kennel.

When bringing your dog for a Board and Train, all we need is one month’s worth of the Dog's Food, the Dog’s collar, any training collars you are currently using and any Medication including flea/tick and/or heart worm (only if they need to be given to your Dog while your Dog is with us.) The Dog’s vaccination records must be sent to us well before arrival; when signing this contract and paying your deposit.

Do NOT bring any bedding, toys or water/food bowls, treats or bones! Make sure your dog is on a leash/collar that they cannot slip out of when going from your car to our property and during the hand off to Run By Dogs. Your dog may be nervous, scared or excited and any of those things can lead to your dog escaping the collar and running off or around the property which is a safety issue for the dog, the staff and other dogs on the property.

When you arrive you will hand off the dog, you are NOT to hug, kiss, bend down or use a high pitch voice at all, just hand off the leash to the staff member and that is it. Not following these instructions can jeopardize the safety of handler.

The handler will bring the dog back to the kennel and put him/her in the kennel. You can leave any further instructions at that time.

  • Have you read these terms and do you Agree to this Drop Off Agreement?


  1. Physical Activity Agreement:

Your dog will be staying at a working kennel and not living in a padded room, your dog spends a good amount of time in the outside world doing lots of things around lots of natural objects, dirt, grass, cement, trees, fencing, bushes, swimming, interacting with lots of other dogs, and humans and it is likely that your dog is going to get scratched, bumped, bruised. Your dog will most likely get some wear and tear on them. Imagine when you went to summer camp for a few weeks; you get a little banged up from all of the activities. Things are bound to happen even though we have taken special care in maintaining a high standard of safety and cleanliness. As Owner you acknowledge and understand that there are certain risks involved in pet training, boarding, and care. You release, indemnify, and agree to hold Run By Dogs harmless from any and all manner of damages, claims, loss, liabilities, costs or expenses, causes of actions or suits, whatsoever in law or equity, (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees and related costs) arising out of or related to the services provided by Run By Dogs.

  • Have you read these terms and do you Agree to this Physical Activity Agreement?




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Document name: Training Contract: Board and Train
lock iconUnique Document ID: fab22c13cdb605cde69f554aed4b49dc240f5976
Timestamp Audit
March 27, 2019 7:33 pm EDTTraining Contract: Board and Train Uploaded by Kate Walrath - IP